Woodland Heights House Price Update

Filed in Woodland Heights Homes by on March 1, 2017

Latest Prices of Woodland Heights Homes

Woodland Heights is known for its predominantly Craftsman style homes; lots of bungalows with big porches, large overhanging eaves. These are making way for bigger homes though. They are mostly being renovated and big additions expanding the space. More and more though they are being knocked down and big new homes built. A house one block from mine on Omar was demolished last week, and another demo has started today, diagonally behind me.

I show prices of these little bungalows on the first row of the table below. These were sales since mid 2016. These are updated homes averaging about $500K in price. Land value here is ~$80/SF, thus lot value is ~ $400K for a typical 5000 SF lot. So, don’t expect to find anything cute at the $400K range.

Woodland Heights Area Home Prices Early 2017   
Descrip'n$ RangeSF RangeLot Size *Sale Price/SFDOM **
LP/SP ***
1 Bath Homes
6 Sales
$508K Avg.
1152-2260 SF
1464 SF Avg.
5758 SF Avg.
$331/SF Avg.
52 Days Avg
0.98 Avg.
Small 2 Bath Homes
(<2000 SF) 9 Sales
$562K Avg.
1228-1937 SF
1601 SF Avg.
5000-7800 SF
5727 SF
$351/SF Avg.
0-184 Days
31 Days Avg.
0.98 Avg
Large Homes
(>2000 SF) 12 Sales
$1.06M Avg
2500-4629 SF
3505 SF Avg
4900-7500 SF
5765 SF Avg
$302/SF Avg
5-161 Days
58 Days Avg
0.97 Avg

Notes:  * Lot Size in Woodland Heights is typically 50 X 100 ft, though some are 75 ft wide. No alley, no subdividing. ** DOM = Days on Market. *** LP/SP = Ratio of list price to sold price…generally 97-98%.

The table gets squeezed into a limited space on this website, but price ranges for different sized homes are shown.

For you analytical types, pdfs of recent sales (and homes on the market as of 02/24) are attached below:

Woodland Heights tear-down Properties

Woodland Heights 1 Bath Homes

Smaller 2 Bath Homes

Woodland Heights Large Homes (>2000 SF)

Photos of typical Woodland Heights homes are shown below. The bungalow on Sledge St is currently on the market. The big, new home is an example of what is being built in the neighborhood.

Woodland Heights MLS Home Search. Woodland Heights is a complicated neighborhood with several smaller subdivisions included. This search will pull up most of the homes. A map search is better; let me know if I can send that to you.


cute Woodland Heights home

Woodland Heights home currently on market. 823 Sledge

Big, newer Woodland Heights home

Big, newer Woodland Heights home

The house below is a home on Merrill St being demolished today. This morning it was a typical 2/1 bungalow; at 11:00 just the front wall remains. By this evening it will be a vacant lot.

Woodland Heights bungalow being demolished.

Woodland Heights bungalow being demolished today.

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