Neighborhoods Near the Heights
Areas Surrounding the Heights
The various Heights neighborhoods developed in the period from 1890’s to the 1930’s. It is surrounded by relatively newer but equally distinctive 1930’s to 1950’s neighborhoods. Each one of these neighborhoods are unique in house style and neighborhood feel.
The only nearby neighborhood similar to the Heights is Near Northside. It has some fantastic old Victorian and Craftsman style homes. Some of these are beautifully restored, most are not.
Lindale Park is a newer part of Near Northside. 1940’s brick cottages and some ranch style homes. Wide, curbed streets and huge lots make this look like a miniature West University, though much more affordable.
Timbergrove Manor & Lazybrook have 1940’s & 1950’s ranch style homes on big treed lots.
Garden Oaks was to be the next River Oaks. It started in the 1930’s with plantation type homes. The homes built after WWII were smaller cottages. Curing streets and bbig lots were the norm.
Oak Forest is west of Garden Oaks. Cottages and ranch style homes from the 1940’s and 1950’s.
More Affordable Areas Near the Heights
The popularity of the Heights has soared in the last few years. Along with increased popularity has come sky rocketing prices. If you like living close-in, but don’t want to spend the money for the Heights, look at some of the close-in areas nearby.
Click on the links to see location, house style, house age, etc. of each neighborhood.
The Interactive Heights Map will show you the location and also take you the the appropriate pages.
East of the Heights
Near Northside
Lindale Park
(Lindale Park is actually part of Near Northside)
North of the Heights (Just north of the N 610 Loop)
West of the Heights
Here is a quick, tacky little slideshow that gives a quick look at some of these neighborhoods surrounding the Heights.
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