Rice Military New Construction

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 20, 2011
Rice Military new Construction

5218 Feagan-Rice Military

Rice Military New Construction

Rice Military is extremely popular because of its location. Just a few blocks from Memorial Park and minutes from downtown. It is close to shopping, restaurants, everything you would want. Its northern boundary is Washington Ave. The hottest place for new clubs and restaurants.

Its true boundaries are Washington Ave. on the North, Memorial Ave. on the South. Shepherd Dr. to the East, and almost abutting Memorial Park at Westcott on the West.

I mentioned “true” boundaries above because if you do a search by subdivision on HAR.com, you’ll see that a lot of homes are listed as being in Rice Military, that actually aren’t. I guess it sounds better than Cottage Grove or no-name subdivision.

Rice Military new homes are almost a 50:50 mix of townhomes and single family homes.  There are currently 25 single family homes listed as active or pending, and 23 townhomes. Because of land prices, both style homes are typically built on 2500 SF lots. So, townhome or single family, they are typically 3 story with minimal yard.

The table below gives prices of new Rice Military New Homes (Single Family). There are currently 23 new single family homes for sale. There are another 15 or so built since 2005.


$ Price

Size (SF)


Lot Size (SF)



2000 SF


1400 SF



3392 SF


2500 SF



2497 SF


2096 SF

I have attached a link for an MLS Search of currently available New Rice Military New Construction.

This post is strictly Rice Military new homes – single family homes. I will cover Rice Military Townhomes in a future post.

If you are confused about Rice Military or other close-in neighborhoods contact Houston Heights Realtor Rich Martin today. He specializes in Houston Heights homes and the surrounding inner-loop areas.

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